Best Trademark Attorney
A Star Legal Associates is the top firm in North India and 5th best firm in India. It was founded in 2004. We have a team of dedicated trademark lawyers and advocates in India, supported by over 10,000 corporate associates across 612+ districts in India. Our company provides many business solutions including all kinds of registration, certification, licensing, and services. Contact Us today to represent by one of India’s most knowledgeable and trustworthy trademark attorney.
What is Trademark
A trademark is defined as a word, symbol, phrase, design, and combination. These help identify and distinguish the source & origin of a product and service. Other forms of trademarks include business names, slogans, 3D marks, Colour Combinations, Smells, Logos, Sound marks, Textures, Packaging, and shapes.
Trademark differentiates goods and services from others. Without a trademark attorney, your brand, reputation, and business can weakened. A famous strong brand makes sure that innovators, inventors, individuals, and companies can commercialize their products and services with confidence.
Why Get Trademarks from Trademark Law Firms?
- A trademark registration lawyer can help you obtain proof of ownership of your goods and services.
- A trademark registration lawyer strengthens your brand identity in the marketplace, demonstrates your reliability and makes sure that you stand out from the competition.
- Protects your brand identity by giving you legal rights against infringement, preventing others from using the same trademark for the same goods and services.
- There is no specific period of protection for a trademark; they can be renewed every 10 years.
Who can apply for a Trademark?
- Any individual
- Any company and company owners
- Proprietary firms
- Partnership firms
- Trusts or societies
- LLPs
If you need Trademark Registration Services, Contact Us Now:- 9314321001